We are almost a full week into summertime and I’m already feeling the messes creep up on me… the dishes in the sink, the crumbs on the floor and the chaos of the schedules!  Sometimes making a pretty life does NOT feel like it’s working!!  Anyone else with me?

My solution: taking it a day at a time, or an hour at a time, or minute by minute…maybe even second by second…you see where I’m going…  now that I’ve gotten “older” I’m not quite as set on perfection as I used to be and that’s because perfection doesn’t exist in anybody’s life, every. single. day.  But, I always find the “pretty” in every day and I’ve put together this site to help you find the pretty, too!  Sometimes it’s just a state of mind!  Go out, ignore the mess you left behind and make what you’re doing NOW great!  There is always time to get back to the mess!

{trucker hat linked in image}

Even if it’s just ONE space in your home that you walk by and feel accomplished, it’s enough!  Just that one tiny corner of your desk that is all organized and cute you can say “yes, that’s pretty awesome” & give yourself a nice pat on the back! Organization is always going to make your space prettier, but your mind, too!  I hand-picked a bunch of storage solutions that I think you will love..they are realistic, easy and they work for just about any space~and taste!  Here are just a few!  All of them are linked on the photo!

Metal Tin Organizer

Mini Metal Tin Organizer {also magnetic}

Small Wood Desk Organizer

And, I wouldn’t leave you without something to take along on your errand running, kid toting, party going way….  I made totes, but not just any tote, a MEGA TOTE to stuff just about all you need in one bag!! 15″ x 20″ x 5″ deep…this thing can hold a lot of “stuff”!

And, make it even prettier with some of our HANDMADE bag swag! Button topped, fabric flowers with pin to attach right to your tote!

Well, there you have it… my inspiration behind this new shop and for all of you that inspire me each day to make new things, try new things and just enjoy life IN the moment!   There’s so much more in the shop, so I hope you’ll find some things that are just right for you!  xoxo