Today Tessa has an adorable hand-painted design using the linen sack included in the May kit!  I love what our team is creating with these cute sacks and this is just another unique idea for gift giving!


Here is a look at the staring pieces!!  She first painted the linen sack while it was flat…of course coordinating all of the fun colors in the set.  This kit can carry a wide range of color…I love that she chose the more ‘pastel’ side of things!  She also added a few of the stamen pieces in the kit to here crepe paper fan/flower!  So fun!  And since she included the coordinating pencil for the gift sack the title is “write” on!


Here is the finished look…the adorable flamingo puffy sticker attached to the wooden tag, the fanned out crepe paper and clip, along with the baker’s twine bow!  And, of course the pennant and matching pencil are the perfect finish to this fun gift display!


Here’s a close up look at that super cute crepe paper and stamens popping out!!



This is one of my favorite designs with this collection…the color scheme and theme are all so perfect…and it’s a pretty simple design, yet it looks a bit complicated!

I sure hope you are enjoying this month’s kit…and if want to subscribe, give us a holler with any questions!